We can always do more together than alone, and we need your help to rally community support.
Holding a benefiting event is a great way to get involved. Events raise not only funds, but awareness of the systemic issues that exist for the women and children in our programs. With you as a leader, your family, your club, or your business can accomplish a lot of good.
Sometimes all it takes is a clever idea to bridge the everyday and the inspirational. The Moving Violations Motor Club hosted a benefit ride and raised over $10,000. So get inspired! To the side are some ideas, and you can look at our past and upcoming events to help brainstorm too. Contact us!

Host a Fundraiser
Get you network together at a restaurant, your business, or your work, and accomplish something great.
Day for a Cause
Advertise a “Day for a Cause” at your business and donate a percentage of the profits.
Yard Sale
Sell your unused junk, and donate the profits. It’s a great way to clear house and cure pouts.
50/50 Raffle
Hold a 50/50 raffle in your office–half the raised money goes the winner, half to Healthcare Without Walls.
Class Competition
Organize a fundraiser at school, and see which grade can raise the most money.